Each cover is fabricated from .090 aluminum alloy (5052-H32) with welded seams at each corner. Each cover has an over temperature safety device installed on the back panel. The device is intended to regulate the heat on the top surface of the cover to a maximum of 220 degrees F. A warning label is applied to this surface to prevent accidental human contact and potential injury.
A flexible silicone heater pad covers the inside top surface of the cover. The heater pad is installed such that the entire top surface and approximately 50% of the front panel receive direct radiation. The heater is protected from abrasion against the scanner casting by the application of a layer of Thermo-Tech insulation.
Expected Cover Temperature and Cycle Times Relative to Ambient
Ambient Temp
Max Cover Temp
Snap Disc Open
Snap Disc Close
Time for cycle
-40° F
177° F
-20° F
184° F
0° F
203° F
20° F
218° F
32° F
220° F
220° F
99° F
4 minutes
40° F
221° F
221° F
95° F
5 minutes
60° F
215° F
215° F
90° F
8 minutes