The Wind Monitor-SE's speed sensor is a four blade helicoid propeller that turns a multi-pole magnet. Propeller rotation induces a variable frequency signal in a stationary coil; movable slip rings and brushes are not used. The raw signal is converted to a digital serial output by the on-board microprocessor circuit. A more conventional voltage output may be selected simply by moving an internal jumper.
The wind direction sensor is a durable molded vane. Vane angle is detected by a custom optical encoder. The encoder is an absolute type so direction output remains accurate even if power is interrupted. As with wind speed, a serial output or voltage output signal can be selected.
The Wind Monitor-SE is designed for superior environmental resistance. Housing parts are UV stabilized thermoplastic. Fittings are stainless steel and anodized aluminum. Precision grade stainless steel ball bearings are used throughout in the model 09101.